Sunday, October 19, 2008

Random Fun

This is the face I made every single time Justin took a photo of me.  I would be thinking in my head, "what is he doing?"... "where is he focusing?"... "that doesn't look right" and he would always have to retake it because of this face.  

I discovered on this trip that boys really like to play with sticks.... especially if they find a really good walking stick.  Who would of known?  In Forks Justin would always play with sticks on the beach & I found it funny that when we got to Portland, Jake found an awesome walking stick that he took into the car with us & on to our next location.  I enjoyed it so much, I snapped a photo.
I don't understand how you can spend time in wine country and not be drunk all day.  My tongue was a pretty shade of violet consistently by noon.  What did I do in the evening?  Oh, pick up another bottle of wine and drink it!  

Justin fixing his hair in the elevator mirror.  ha ha.

We drove on that crazy zig-zag street in San Francisco, Lombard St. I believe.  I was far more interested in all the people staring & taking photographs of us.

Jake & his moss covered beard.  I love it.

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